Positive & Inclusive
Workplace Training
Inclusive Workplaces
Inclusive Workplace Training & Resources
Our Positive & Inclusive Workplace training workshop and resources have been developed in collaboration with Centennial College and Restaurants Canada. The core contents and composition of the PPT presentation has been adapted from Restaurant’ Canada’s “Positive & Inclusive Workplace” guide originally developed for restaurant owners.
The training PPT covers the following main provincial legislation that protects worker’s rights employed in the sector:
- Ontario Health and Safety Act (OHSA) and Bill 132
- Ontario Human Rights Commission
- Ontario Employment Standards Act
RIWC has completed a review of the three Acts and filtered out the core components through a GBA+ lens to provide vulnerable women in the sector with information about what rights are protected, how to file a claim, and what are the next steps after a claim has been filed.
Our workshops will be piloted this year in collaboration with culinary skills training programs across Ontario to provide post-secondary students with more information on inclusive workplace rights in Canada.
RIWC has also developed a Resource Guide as a companion guide to supplement the information from our ‘Positive & Inclusive Workplace’ workshop and webinars. Our guide is broken down into four research sections that will help women find additional information, resources and training to help increase health and safety of women in the food service and hospitality sector.