Our Resources

COVID & Emergency Information
Last year, we also set up our new COVID-19 Response Team to provide short-term relief for clients on social assistance who face challenges accessing housing, establishing food security, locating culturally and linguistically appropriate healthcare resources/information, or need support beyond services already delivered through our existing programs.
Based on our experience in delivering emergency Wraparound COVID-19 services, we developed a new Resource Guide which will be launched this spring to provide women and their families with information about accessing COVID-19 resources and information in the community. Find out More>>
Laptop Lending Library
With support from ReBoot Canada and United Way of Greater Toronto Area, RIWC launched a new Emergency Laptop Lending Library last year to support women and families without access to technology.
We currently offer laptops to participants enrolled in our programs to borrow and use on our premises. Depending on availability and need, our participants will receive a refurbished laptop and wireless internet hub to connect them to our virtual classrooms and online counseling support services. Find out More>>

New Digital Literacy Webinar Series
This spring, RIWC is excited to announce a NEW webinars series to increase the literacy skills of our clients to improve their ability to access our programs and services. Between April and June 2021, an eight-part webinar series will be hosted by RIWC to help our clients navigate through accessing online government benefits and community services during the COVID-19 pandemic. The webinars will be hosted live weekly and available to download after each session until the end of this year. The series will be aimed at addressing technical skill gaps identified by our own clients and program staff. Find out More>>
Inclusive Workplace Guide
Our Positive & Inclusive Workplace training workshop and resources have been developed in collaboration with Centennial College and Restaurants Canada. The core contents and composition of the PPT presentation has been adapted from Restaurant’ Canada’s “Positive & Inclusive Workplace” guide originally developed for restaurant owners.
RIWC has also developed a WAGE Resource Guide as a companion guide to supplement the information from our ‘Positive & Inclusive Workplace’ workshop and webinars. Our guide is broken down into four research sections that will help women find additional information, resources and training to help increase health and safety of women in the food service and hospitality sector. Find out More>>