Essential Pathways to Employment Program
Essential Pathways to Employment Program
EPE Program
The Essential Pathways to Employment (EPE) program is an 8-week course that offers basic skills training and pre-employment counseling for Ontario Works clients to assist them in accessing other programs, social support or employment. Clients who are eligible for the program include women who are unemployed and currently receiving social assistance from the Ontario Works program.
The program identifies barriers to employment and creates customized support solutions (settlement, supportive counseling and foundation skills training) for participants to access the tools and resources needed to overcome barriers to employment.
The EPE program features the following core services:
- Screening and Assessment
- Individual Career Development Plan
- Computer Skills Training
- One-on-one Job Coaching and Advocacy Support
- Volunteer and Job Placements
- Post-Program Support
- On-site Emergency Childminding
- Supportive Counseling
The program includes 6 months of Post-Program and Post-Hiring support to help our clients transition to the labor market through monthly coaching, peer learning, and social media networking.
To set up an appointment to assess your eligibility, contact Rhoda Bincy at [email protected].